Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Seven Fitness Tips

1) Drink More Water
Most people simply do not drink enough water on a daily basis. Consequently, they go through the day feeling a bit dehydrated. The amount of water that you should drink will vary with factors such as the amount of activity that you are doing and the humidity. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water per day and, preferably, put a squeeze of lemon juice into some of the glasses.
Organs such as the kidneys and liver need plenty of water to function correctly and all the other organs need it too. Other advantages of drinking water are that it can improve the skin tone and act as an appetite suppressant if you're trying to lose weight.
2) Stretch Your Arms And Legs
Do not allow yourself to remain seated for excessively long periods of time. This is especially true if you work in an office environment. Deep vein thrombosis, a potentially fatal condition, can arise if one doesn't make an effort to stretch out at various times during the day. There is a growing tendency to work at desks standing up. Do this if you can, otherwise stand up and stretch and walk around a bit at intervals during your working day.
3) Develop A Cardiovascular Fitness Routine
Any type of aerobic cardiovascular exercise that is done for at least 30 minutes several times per week will do wonders for the strength and vitality of your heart. This type of exercise will also help you improve your lung capacity. It should also be noted that this type of exercise releases endorphins within the brain which really help your body heal and feel great. Most fitness tips that suggest cardiovascular exercise recommend you speak to a doctor first. That makes sense.
4) Boost Your Vitamin & Mineral Intake
It is very important that your body is given the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that it needs to function in an optimal manner on a daily basis. Therefore, try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables. This is an all natural way to boost your natural vitamin and mineral intake.
5) Start Getting More Sleep
Some recent studies have concluded that people who get inadequate amounts of sleep harm themselves in a way that few fully realize. Your body really does need to rest in order for cell rejuvenation to take place and for your conscious mind to have an opportunity to rest and refresh itself.
6) Consider Getting A Professional Massage
Few fitness tips ever talk about the benefits of massage therapy but, if you can afford to have a professional massage twice per week, it'll be a wonderful experience! Not only will this help improve the circulation of blood throughout your body, but it will dramatically reduce the amount of tension and stress that builds up in your muscles.
7) Don't Overdo It
You need to set realistic boundaries for yourself when you are starting out and build up the amount of exercise that you do as your stamina increases.
It is vital for our physical and mental well-being to have a balanced life and these seven fitness tips will be a great start for getting and keeping fit.
They can all be quickly and easily adopted into a busy lifestyle without taking up too much time and can then be the foundation on which to build a more strenuous program.